 External Harddrives are formatted for only PC or Mac, not both. They also are slow and cumbersome and require the user to eject them and their software before transporting the files. Flashdrives offer more portability, but also require ejection
 An external harddrive paired with a removable flashdrive is the best of both worlds. The harddrive holds a large amount of data, and included software keeps the most currently modified 16 GB on the Flashdrive. The files are also stored on the harddr
 Photoshop sketches to study form. A faceted surface design was chose as it provided the most complete form when the Harddrive and Flash drive are combined.
 The faceted surface provides natural places to grip the flash drive when pulling it out from the harddrive. The body of the harddive has a port for the flash drive. A keychain pass through at the end of the flash drive allows users to take the drive
 Sample renderings of the product in use created with Keyshot 4 and photography.
 An information window as well as a chime let the user know important information about the capacity and connectivity of the Harddrive and Flash Drive.  The pop up window displays the capacity of the harddrive, whether the flash drive is currently co
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