My teaching qualifications are listed below, to see design skills and experience click "design resume." To see more detail about my approach, click "teaching page."

Teaching experience

Ohio State University - Adjunct Instructor - 2018-2019

I was a part of the design school’s adjunct faculty for two semesters in the fall of 2018 and spring of 2019. I taught 3D modeling and rendering software, as well as general design lessons to a class of 16 sophomores in the Industrial Design program. While in this role, I mentored and acted as a resource for career and education guidance.

There was no lesson plan in place, so I created a syllabus from scratch and consistently checked in with students to make sure they were challenged but supported. I designed a final project with a local design company’s sponsorship, and had many guest judges from the local design community to build facilitate networking and exposure for my students. I was rated 4.9/5.0 by students vs. an average of 4.21 in my first semester teaching.

Carnegie Mellon University - Sketching Workshop Series - 2017

My cohort at Carnegie Mellon was comprised of students with backgrounds in Business, Engineering and Design. Many of the non-designers were hoping to gain design skills through the program. I, along with a peer from an automotive design background, hosted a series of sketching workshops. We also created and monitored a chat channel in which our peers uploaded sketches and for us to give feedback.

Springbox - Founder and Chair of Springbox Outreach Committee - 2016-2017

Shortly after joining the Springbox team, I realized there was an opportunity to help students in the Texas Design community. With the support of management I created a committee to address this need and recruited team members from the organization. The goal of the group was to bring in students to tour Springbox, give portfolio reviews and do talks at local design schools. See more about my experience with the Texas State Smart Cities Hackathon here.

IDSA - Vice Chair - Central Ohio Chapter - 2014

As the Vice Chair of the central Ohio IDSA chapter, I filled in for chair in his absence. This was a great chance to improve my leadership skills while working with students. I worked with student groups as well as professionals to fill spots and create new content for the chapter. We hosted events at OSU, CCAD, and the International Center for Creativity. 

Ohio State University -Guest Lecturer - 2013

In the fall after graduating from Ohio State I was asked by Associate Professor Scott Shim to teach juniors and seniors Photoshop rendering. I hosted a biweekly lecture series in August and September, teaching basic Photoshop skills and progressing into more detailed, higher fidelity techniques. This experience taught me a lot about educating, sharpening my presentation and feedback skills.

Other - 2013-2017

I have also performed guest talks at University of Texas at Austin in the design program and at Taylor high school in Taylor, Texas. These were single day talks about industrial design concepts, how to get into the field and how to build a portfolio. I also hosted a Lunch & Learn at Springbox to teach my coworkers about Industrial Design and how it design thinking could apply to other areas. Take a look at the PDF I created here



Carnegie Mellon University - MIIPS - Master of Integrated Innovation - Products & Services


I am currently pursuing my Masters in Integrated Innovation at CMU. The program is a joint effort between the Engineering, Design and Business schools, and the cohort is representative of those backgrounds. I am learning how to systematically innovate, using techniques developed by industry leaders at CMU. I am also taking classes in Brand and Product Management, Strategy, Project Management and Leadership.

The Ohio State University- BS - Industrial Design


I graduated from Ohio State in 2013 with a Bachelor's in Industrial Design. OSU has a reputation for a research heavy approach and laying a foundation for thoughtful design. Keeping the user at the center of every project and conducting observations and interviews was a core competency learned through this program. We also learned empathetic design and human factors.

Purdue University- BS - Retail Management


My first degree was from the School of Consumer and Family Sciences at Purdue University. The degree focused on management, marketing and consumer behavior. I was very involved in extra curricular activities during this time, as the Vice President of my Fraternity, Executive Board member of Purdue University Dance Marathon, Host of old Masters and Supervisor in the Boiler Gold Rush orientation program.

+Acumen & - Coursework - Human Centered Design for Social Innovation

I took this course online after work and on weekends. The course was a 5 week study of human-centered-design and how we can use design to bring about social change. I had one other group member, and our project iVote, which is shown in my work page, was selected as one of the top three projects out of over 3000.